out of true

美 [aʊt əv truː]英 [aʊt ɒv truː]
  • 网络位置不正
out of trueout of true


not accurately fitted;not level
the frame was out of true
off-level floors and untrue doors and windows
Synonym: untrue


  1. The door is out of true .


  2. Two of the picture hanging on the wall is out of true


  3. Our door is out of true .


  4. This door won 't shut properly . I think the frame must be out of true .


  5. The breathing out of true words gives knowledge of righteousness ; but a false witness gives out deceit .


  6. If this message returns to you , you can be sure that your circle of friendship is made out of true friends .


  7. His work gives the lie to his claims of experience The breathing out of true words gives knowledge of righteousness ; but a false witness gives out deceit .


  8. The ideological quality of literature , its connatural quality , is different from the instrumentalization of literature in that the former is implied in and sprouts out of true lives while the latter is a metaphor indicating a life being harnessed .


  9. The word " cereal " has been hijacked , however , by food producers who make tiny , crunchy breakfast cakes out of true cereal with the addition of sugar , corn syrup , salt , food dyes and preservatives .


  10. The report wrests the facts out of their true meaning .


  11. This report wrests the facts out of their true meaning .


  12. If in the course of time , hamlet may be silent out of the true value of life and seek revenge for their value to the foundation .


  13. My little children , let no man take you out of the true way : he who does righteousness is upright , even as he is upright ;


  14. However , due to the rare uniform , pop in there at the truth , so people on the chain out of a true recognition of the fake eyes that this may be the first to crack down on Chinese clothing source .


  15. If you 're in doubt , consider the duration of the loan : If it 's longer than three years , and doesn 't result in owning the vehicle outright at the conclusion of the loan , you 're shopping out of your true budget .


  16. It 's easy to see how Zana ( pronounced zah-nah ) was born out of one of True 's core values : Encouraging CEOs to turn to one another for help and advice .


  17. Cyrus has said that all along her Disneyfied brand was out of sync with her true identity .


  18. Here , the Omniscient Buddha points out the criterion of the true Dhamma .


  19. Consequently , out of basis points and true to its dual mandate , the central bank has shifted from conventional to unconventional easing .


  20. His theory of market economy only points out the possibility of realizing true , good and beauty by the development of market economy but has no true possibility and reality itself .


  21. The report goes on to reveal that women are out of touch with their true shape because of the bodys tendency to change and shift with age .


  22. If dismantling the euro is out of the question , true federal finance is unavailable and mutual solidarity will remain limited , what is left ?


  23. This paper analyzes the influence of the reactive power and power factor measurement by the distortion waveform . Points out the accuracy evaluation of true reactive power and the total harmonic distortion measurement problems .


  24. There are two benefits of unsent letter , says Konnikova : It serves as a type of emotional catharsis , a way to let it all out without the repercussions of true engagement .


  25. There are two benefits of unsent letter , says Konnikova : " It serves as a type of emotional catharsis , a way to let it all out without the repercussions of true engagement . And it acts as a strategic catharsis , an exercise in saying what you really think . " Place to vent
